Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Fructus Swietenia Macrophylla

Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds

a functional food supplement with the following core values:

- promote smooth blood circulation
- lower cholesterol level
- lower fat build-up
- remove accumulated toxins and fats
- regulate blood sugar
- regulate endocrine system
- improve metabolism rate
- reactivate cell activities
- anti-inflamation action
- act as an anti-oxidant for free radical removal
- enhance the immune system
- slowdown ageing process

JES ResourcesA company incorporated just for you.

The founders, with loving kindness and compassion has set up the company to cater to the needs of the needy, who could not afford to enjoy the benefits of costly functional foods to subdue and correct their current body metabolic conditions, so that they could enjoy the required benefits from the consumption of our recommendation – the Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds which we sincerely believed that will give them the targeted benefits. May all of you be well and happy.

What is Natural Miracle-sky-fruit (Fructus Swietenia Macrophylla) ?

Natural Miracle-sky-fruit is the fruit of a tree found in the South Pacific and other tropical areas, along the Equator, of the world.

The fruit matures from blossom stage in about 90 days. The trees contain fruit of all stages of maturity. The fruits are commonly located at the highest point of the tree pointing towards the sky.

Mature trees typically stand at 40 to 60 metres tall.

For optimum beneficial effects only seeds from matured fruits are selected for consumption.

What cause Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds™ to work in our body?

According to extensive studies and research done by prominent bio-chemist and scientist – it was established and is being accepted globally that the Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds, apart from the bitter alkaloid which promotes the detoxification of the body system, contain the two abundant resources of active ingredients namely Flavonoids and Saponins, that give the beneficial effects to our body. The following articles has extensively referred to these studies and is meant to promote a better understanding of the values and benefits of the Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds to the general public for their needs if any.

(Reference: “Shen qi de xiang tian guo - 神奇的向天果” – Author: Professor Chang Yoon Sang, 郑云生博士著 - ISBN 983-3098-09-6, publisher: Mentor Publishing Sdn. Bhd.)

In capitalizing the presence of these two active ingredients in its natural, unadulterated state in the Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds they will definitely enhance their effectiveness in helping our body to restore to its original uncontaminated healthy conditions. The irregular and disorderly intake of food, water and air from the contaminated environments due to industrialization has caused many adverse effects onto our health. We may need to counter balance our body requirements to maintain a good state of health by the intake of pure, unadulterated Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds to maintain the required equilibrium within our body.

How does the active ingredient Flavonoids affect us?

This active ingredient found in the seeds is able to

1. Promote a smooth blood circulation and to interfere with the formation of atherosclerotic plague.

2. Lowers cholesterol levels and lowers fats build-up in the blood stream

3. Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

4. Have an anti-inflammation action by inhibiting the body’s natural enzymes that cause tissue inflammation.

5. To reduce pain, bleeding, bruising, and fluid retention that results from tissue injuries.

6. Act as an anti-oxidant to stabilizes the free radicals available in the blood system – acting like a free radical scavenger.

How does the active ingredient Saponins affect our body?

This active ingredient found in the seeds is able to:

1. Act as an agent in cancer prevention and reduces body fats.

2. Enhance the immune system and improves vitality.

3. Reduce blood clotting and alleviates blood sugar.

4. Enhance the functions of the heart and prolong blood clotting process.

In addition the Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds contain various natural proteins, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and other body essential nutrients, where its easy absorption into the body systems contribute an important factor for staying healthy.

Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds, in its natural, pure, unadulterated form is not linked to any known side effects and there are no toxicities, adverse reactions related to their use to date. They are quite safe.

The Core Usage of Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds

1. Detoxifies and clear bowel toxins

2. Alleviate liver detoxification functions

3. Regulate the endocrine system

4. Improves metabolism – that is revitalize energy

5. Promote blood circulation

6. Replenishes nutrients to the kidneys & improves kidney function

7. Enhanced performance in physical love & sexual health, revitalize sex drive

8. Remove accumulated toxins and fats

9. Rebuild tissues.

10. Increase pregnancy rate.

11. Reactivate cell activities.

12. Anti-ageing.

13. Strengthen stomach, heart, lungs, liver and spleen functions.

14. Replenish blood and strengthen arteries.

15. Regulate blood sugar.

16. Restore healthy heart and brain conditions.

If you have the following symptoms, which are quite common to all Malaysians, then maybe the consumption of Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds may be able to help you to reduce and relief your sufferings and improve on your health, depending on the response of your body system:

1. Diabetes,
2. Hypertension,
3. Skin allergy,
4. Heart problem,
5. Asthmatic,
6. Menstruation pain,
7. Alzheimer,
8. First stage of stroke
9. Gastritis
10. Rheumatic,
11. Impotency,
12. Poor appetite,
13. Poor health,
14. Liver disease,
15. Sensitive skin,
16. Pimples & blisters,
17. Inconceivable,
18. Foul breath
19. High cholesterol,
20. Constipation,
21. Digestive problem
22. Neuralgia,
23. Secretion disorder,
24. Tumor or growth,
25. Freckles removal

The Natural Miracle-sky-fruit Seeds are not any form of medication, they are just a form of "functional food". For any medical advice or treatment, please consult your doctor.

Intake Quantity:

1. For healthcare – Twice a day after food, 4 seeds per intake.
2. For target users – Twice a day after food, 6 to 8 seeds per intake

After taking the seeds – drink a lot of water.


We acknowledged with thanks for the use of contents contained in the followings:

1. [Shen qi de siang tian guo] – Author: Professor Chang Yoon Sang, publisher Mentor Publishing Sdn Bhd, ISBN 983-3098-09-6

Fructus Swietenia Macrophylla


是一種〝机能性食品〞- 它對人体有如下的作用:
- 促進血液循環,改善循環系統
- 降低血槳膽固醇含量
- 降低高血脂肪
- 清血排毒
- 改善体內過多的血糖
- 改善內分泌系統
- 改善免疫系統
- 舒解支气管平滑肌而平喘
- 抗炎
- 改善活性氧和脂質抗氧
- 抗菌及抗病毒
- 抗老化
- 消除疲勞

即意示貿易 – 为您而设的公司

发起人是抱着一个慈悲为懷的目标帮助那些帶有以下有相关症狀的人士,而需要到〝机能性食品〞(functional food),但是經濟能力有限制而未能成功的吃到他们所期望的保健产品,让我们誠心的推荐〝天然神奇的向天果衶子〞给您们,而希望这个代替品可以令您们多多得益而获得身体健康。愿您们永遠健康快乐。





郑云生博士在他的〔神奇的向天果〕ISBN 983-3098-09-6 与我們分亨保健果衶子對人体的作用。

引文起 ------ Quote

天然神奇的向天果的衶子对人们健康的震撼 – 天然神奇的向天果 (学名 Fructus Swietenia Macrophylla) 是属于楝科植物,盛产于南太平洋中所罗门群的當青乔木。树高约30公尺至40公尺,属坚木类,叶对生,由开花到果实成熟过程漫長,约为9至12个月,但果实产量少。果实外形奇特,成直立圆锥形,底宽头尖向上,故有此名。果实灰褐色,外壳有五纵裂条纹,果长约15公分,成熟时即干裂并将种子拋离,种子有簿膜,能隨气流分散各处。


1996年,当他们在研究天然神奇的向天果的果子成份时,发現天然神奇的向天果的衶子除了具有一般果类所含有的维生素及矿物质类以外,还含有丰富的黄酮类化合物 (Flavonoids or Bio-flavonoids)及皂角苷(Saponins),以上两者是天然神奇的向天果的衶子中最重要的〝活性成份〞。此外,神奇的向天果的衶子含有天然的蛋白质,维生素,糖份,碳水化合物,酵素,食物纤维,脂肪及矿物貭等必需营养成份,容易被身体吸收,对维护健康有显著作用。


(一) 皂角苷对人体的作用:

1. 抗癌抑制肿瘤

2. 降血脂抑制胞胖

3. 增強抗病力及增进体力

4. 降低血小板凝聚,避免形成血栓

5. 降低血糖改善症状

6. 改善血凝状况避免心肌梗塞。

(二) 黃酮类化合物对人体的作用:

1. 有效促进血液循环

2. 能阻桡动脉硬化的形成

3. 能降低脂肪在血管壁上的累积

4. 能改善或降低血中胆固醇含量

5. 能降低罹患冠状动脉阻塞的机率

6. 能促使体內防止各组织发炎的自然抗体生成

7. 止痛,止血及治疗因外伤而引起的症状

8. 能清除体內过多的自由基

9. 具有防止体內氧化作用的功能






那么,天然神奇的向天果的衶子被研发为一种独特的功能性食品,对人体有些什么功用呢?- 天然神奇的向天果的衶子的功能所涵盖范围较广,所以应用的范围也相对较阔,尤其是对循环系统的血液流通不順畅所引起的各仲症状,及增強免疫系统功能方面也有显著的效果。現在让我们先多了解天然神奇的向天果的衶子的整体功能及主要应对的一系健康问題:

(一) 循环系统 - 高血压,高血脂,动脉硬倫,心脑血管病,中風,关节炎,靜脉曲张及血液循环不良症等。

(二) 免疫系统 - 调节增強机休的免疫功能,抗菌,抗炎,坑病毒,坑肿瘤,坑癌等。

(三) 內分泌系统〈包括代谢病〉- 糖尿病,不育,不孕,提升性功能等。

(四) 呼吸系统 - 慢性支气管炎,哮喘,咳嗽。

(五) 神经系统 - 睡眠不足,疲劳,舒解压力,失眠,偏头痛等。

(六) 抗防衰老 - 消除自由基活性氧。

(七) 消化系统〈包括肝,胆,胰在內〉 - 胃肠潰疡,肝硬化,急慢性肝炎,宿醉等。

(八) 其他过敏症如气管,皮肤,減肥 …… 等。






------ 引文止。Unquote ”



1. 保健者 – 每日兩次, 每次四粒 – 飽肚吃
2. 患病者 – 每日兩次,每次六至八粒 – 飽肚吃



“神奇的向天果” – 郑云生博士著,大将出版社〈马來西亚〉,
国际书号:ISBN 983-3098-09-6,2004。


即意示貿易 為您而设的公司
JES Resources a company incorporated just for you

Address (地址) : No. B-G-23,
Jalan SP 5/2, Taman Serdang Perdana,
Seksyen 5, 43000 Seri Kembangan,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Tel (電話): 603 –8941 2933
Fax (传真): 603 –8941 7933

For any enquiries, queries or clarifications, please contact
Lo : 016 – 918 2622
Eddie Liew : 019 – 227 8395
Ho : 016 – 498 5369

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